Event Registration

VBS 2018 Time Lab

July 23 - 27, 2018
Monday - Friday - 9:45 AM - 1:30 PM

Wouldn't it be amazing to travel back in time and witness events in history? Imagine the thrill of meeting great heroes of the faith like Abraham, Moses, or Gideon. Or the fun of experiencing life in ancient cultures like Rome. Or watching famous inventors make discoveries that change the world.

Now imagine traveling through time and the meeting the most important man ever-a man who was not just a man but who was also God. One who turned the world upside-down. We'll do just that as we embark on Time Lab VBS.

Time sure will fly while we're having fun. So head this way and get ready to launch into hyper-drive as we take off for Time Lab! Discovering Jesus in the past, present, and future!

Ages 4 - Completed 8th Grade

***Time Travelers with Food Allergies/Sensitivities***
Please make sure that you completely fill out the allergies field on the registration form.

-Monday: Bites & Bytes Chicken Nuggets, Millennial Mac 'n' Cheese, A-Maze-ing Applesauce, H2O
-Tuesday: Power Ham Roll ups, Burning bush & Extinguishing dip, Cookie concoctions, H2O and galaxy gulpers (Capri Sun)
-Wednesday: Dynamite Dogs, X-Treme Baked Beans, Computer Chips, Time Twirls (ice cream), Liquid fuel (Tang), H2O
-Thursday: Super Sonic Tacos, Planetary Pudding, H2O and Liquid Fuel (Lemonade)
-Friday: Pizza, Robo Cups (fruit), Computer Chips, H2O, Lab Lemonade

If your child has any allergies to the above items or desires something other than what is being served, please bring an alternative lunch for them. Unfortunately, substitutions will not be provided by the church. Thank you

PLEASE NOTE: We are a NO PEANUT ZONE due to a known severe peanut allergy. Please keep this in mind if you bring alternative food choices.

We will continue to offer a VBS experience for youth during the evening from 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Youth that have completed grades 6-12 are welcome to join us! Separate registration link is available for online registration.

First Baptist Church of La Plata
9070 Hawthorne Road
La Plata, Maryland 20646
Phone: 301-934-9040
Email: fbclaplatavbs@gmail.com
Website: First Baptist Church of La Plata