Event Registration

Vacation Bible School 2014

July 14 - 18, 2014
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

It's almost time for Vacation Bible School 2014 at Foxworthy Baptist Church! The theme for this year is Agency D-3, where we discover, decide and defend the truth of God's Word. Kids will become Agency D3 special agents as they collect and log evidence about Jesus. "We have put together one of the most fun, investigative and high-tech VBS themes ever. VBS is July 7-11 and is open to kids going into Kindergarten through 6th grade. Class spaces are filling up and we now have waiting lists for all classes. Please register online to be added to these lists and we will notify you if space becomes available.

Foxworthy Baptist Church
1774 Foxworthy Avenue
San Jose, California 95124
Phone: 408-269-1212
Email: pastordon@foxworthy.org
Website: Foxworthy Baptist Church