Event Registration

Ebenezer's VBS 2014! - AGENCY D3

June 09 - 13, 2014
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Thanks for taking the time to register online! If you are a returning learner or volunteer please use the "previous data" link and just correct any info needed.
We are looking foward to an exciting time at this years VBS.
VBX-tra registration will open soon please check back for more info.

Please note, it is our policy that your child be 4 years old by the start of VBS to be ellegible to attend as a learner. We do offer childcare for workers with younger children so if you would like your toddler to be a part of our VBS consider becoming a volunteer.

Ebenezer Baptist Church
49 Rose Lane
Toccoa, Georgia 30577
Phone: 706-886-9300
Email: niccibatson@ebenezerbaptist.com
Website: Ebenezer Baptist Church