Event Registration

VBS 2014: Agency D3

June 02 - 06, 2014
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Welcome, we are excited that you want to know more about Agency D3. Please register your child if you want to take part in our Vacation Bible School. Its going to be a great week!

We offer classes to 4 yr olds (preschoolers must turn 5 before Sept. 1) through 5th grade. Also, t-shirts will be available for the cost of $10 to learners and $5 for workers. Register before May 18 to guarantee a t-shirt size.

First Baptist Church
407 Main Street
Greenville, Mississippi 38701
Phone: 662-334-9452
Email: kncopell@yahoo.com
Website: First Baptist Church