Event Registration

VBS 2014: Agency D3

July 21 - 25, 2014
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

For Vacation Bible School this year, Mason Dixon Baptist Church will be conducting LifeWay’s Agency D3: Discover. Decide. Defend. We want your little secret agents to join us for the fun and excitement!

While investigating at Agency D3, kids will collect and log evidence about the life of Jesus. As special agents, they will examine eyewitness reports, physical proof, and biblical accounts to uncover and defend the truth about who Jesus really is.

We’ll hear Bible stories, play games, and have fun snacks. Each day kids will visit the Break Room for snacks, rec at the Training Grounds, the Map Room for missions, the Communication Hub to learn cool songs, and create fun crafts in the Lab.

Our church is eagerly waiting to welcome your children to this free event.

Children ages four through those entering grade six may register as learners. Youth (entering grades seven and up) and adults are encouraged to register as volunteers. Please register as soon as possible to reserve your spot for our week at Agency D3.

So register today and get prepared to take your Secret Agent training to a whole new level at Agency D3: Discover. Decide. Defend.

Mason Dixon Baptist Church
713 Campbell Rd
New Freedom, Pennsylvania 17349-8982
Phone: 717-235-5690
Email: office@MDBConline.com
Website: Mason Dixon Baptist Church