Event Registration

Agency D3 VBS 2014

June 16 - 20, 2014
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Calling all Agents! Come join us as we DISCOVER. DECIDE. DEFEND. the name of Jesus this summer at Vacation Bible School. We'll explore the 'Evidence Vault' during Bible Study, check out the 'Map Room; during Missions, and have a ton of fun at Headquarters during our Worship Rally.

Sign up your Agents today, and sign up to volunteer for VBS!

VBS is open to the public and is for children who have completed PreK-5th by this summer.

We look forward to seeing you for our Secret Mission this Summer!

Capshaw Baptist Church
14944 Dupree-Worthey Rd.
Capshaw, Alabama 35749
Phone: 256-232-7763
Email: suzanne.poffenberger@capshaw.org
Website: Capshaw Baptist Church