Event Registration

Agency D3 - VBS 2014

July 27 - 31, 2014
Sunday - Thursday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Northside offers a Family VBS where there are classes from Birth-Adult each night from 6:00-8:30 pm. Get your "spy glasses" ready as we "Discover, Decide and Defend" our faith in Jesus Christ! Each night your children will enjoy Worship Rally, Bible Study, Music, Missions, Crafts and Snack time.

Please join us for a Family supper at 5:00 each night too. Donations are encouraged ($3.00 - Adult, $1 - Child)

Northside Memorial Baptist Church
1004 North Main Street
Sumter, South Carolina 29153
Phone: 803-775-1328
Email: info@northsidesumter.com
Website: Northside Memorial Baptist Church