Event Registration

VBS 2015: Journey Off the Map

June 15 - 19, 2015
Monday - Friday - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Explorers (children: those who have just completed K-6th grade, 2014-2015)
Guides (leaders/volunteers)

Pack your backpack and don't forget your Bible. We're headed on a journey through uncharted territory. During this expedition explorers will need to stick close to their trail guide in order to survive. We will discover that Jesus is the Ultimate Guide on a journey uncharted by them, but known by Him.

This is the way. Walk in it. (Isaiah 30:21)

Hillcrest Baptist Church
7673 Collins Rd
Jacksonville, Florida 32244
Phone: 904-779-9033
Email: mrsrockstardave@gmail.com
Website: Hillcrest Baptist Church