Event Registration

VBS 2015

July 12 - 17, 2015
Sunday - Friday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

We offer an evening vacation Bible school to help accommodate working parents and busy schedules. Journey off the map with us. Kids will be learning how to know, follow and trust their guide. They will have class in the tree house, visit music falls, worship together at the overlook, take a rest at shady grove for crafts, and a bunch of other activities! There will be a light supper served to all children during VBS this year and it is open for all kids from PreK4 - 6th grade. If you have any questions, please call 904-737-5455 or like us on Facebook at ebcjaxkids.

Englewood Baptist Church
5675 Kennerly Rd
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Phone: 904-737-5455
Email: englewoodbaptist@aol.com
Website: Englewood Baptist Church