Event Registration

VBX 2015

July 13 - 17, 2015
Monday - Friday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Bethel Church is excited to present VBX 2015. We're taking VBS and cranking it up to the Xtreme! For the first four nights, children will choose two different "tracks" in which they will learn and enjoy that activity. There will be numerous exciting activities to choose from, such as basketball, archery, cooking, or crafts. Then families are invited on Friday night to enjoy what their child has learned during the week. VBX promises to be an amazing week full of learning, fun, and friends. Register your child today!

Bethel Evangelical Presbyterian Church
154 Petersburg Rd
Enon Valley, Pennsylvania 16120
Phone: 724-667-8031
Email: gregory.aydt@gmail.com
Website: Bethel Evangelical Presbyterian Church