Event Registration

VBS 2016

July 11 - 15, 2016
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

VBS is open to children who have completed 1st thru 6th grade.

FREE Kick-Off Event in the front parking lot on July 10, 2016 from 4 to 6PM. We will have water slides, FREE food truck, snacks, drinks, and FUN, FUN, FUN!

FREE Family Lunch for parents and their children Friday, July 15 from 12:00-1:00pm in the gym. We will have lunch, a short program, and VBS music!

PARENTS ! While your child is attending Vacation Bible School, we would love to have you stay and attend the VBS ADULT CLASS! We will be SUBMERGED in Bible study, hearing about SBC missionaries, HOOKED on the snacks, seeing old and making new friends and DECOMPRESSED with crafts from the Craft Diva, Shirley Blundell. Each Bible story in 2016 Adult VBS highlights what Jesus knew about a person BELOW THE SURFACE rather than what people saw from the outside. Jesus values each person and loves them and came to save them. Come see how you can make the connection to Jesus and find purpose, hope, and a future no matter what you may have done or experienced in the past. We will meet you in Room 134 of the Gym Building.

Nassau Bay Baptist Church
18131 Nassau Bay Dr
Houston, Texas 77058
Phone: 281-333-3844
Email: susan@nassaubaybaptist.org
Website: Nassau Bay Baptist Church