Event Registration

Submerged VBS 2016

July 10 - 14, 2016
Sunday - Thursday - 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

To Register for a class click "Participant Registration"

Classes are provided for 4 year olds (by June 1, 2016) to Adults.
(Childcare provided for 3 year olds and under IF attending Adult Bible Study.)

Friday July 15th Submerged Celebration Dinner and Performance at 6:30 PM

We are so excited to have you become submerged in God’s Word. You will discover that Jesus didn’t just see what’s on the outside of people. He looked deep down on the inside. So grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive in to find truth below the surface!

Dorsett Shoals Baptist Church
5633 Dorsett Shoals Road
Douglasville, Georgia 30135
Phone: 770-949-8734
Email: jenbhome@gmail.com
Website: Dorsett Shoals Baptist Church