Event Registration

Submerged VBS 2016 @Wright Baptist Church

June 20 - 24, 2016
Monday - Friday - 5:45 PM - 8:30 PM

Take the dive!
In 2016 LifeWay’s VBS, kids embark on an adventure in the fathoms of the deep sea. As kids are Submerged in God's Word, they will discover that Jesus sees people differently. As kids see themselves and how Jesus sees them, they can realize everyone needs a Savior. VBS is for children 4 years old - 5th grade (completed). This is a cost free event.

Wright Baptist Church
795 Beal Parkway NW
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32547
Phone: 850-862-4123
Email: Dawn.hutchison@wrightbaptist.org
Website: Wright Baptist Church