Event Registration

Submerged VBS 2016

June 26 - 30, 2016
Sunday - Thursday - 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Submerged VBS is a free event for the community. It's open to ages 4yrs-5th grade. Each night is full of music, snacks, crafts, games, Bible truths, prizes, and more! Bring a friend & get ready to dive down deep!

We also have an exciting event for our teens at the same time. Each night of the week is packed with team competitions, games, give-aways, teen café, relevant worship & teaching. It's for all rising 6th Graders - recent graduates.

Calvary Baptist Church
7900 Ten Ten Rd.
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Phone: 919-779-9456
Email: crystal@calvaryraleigh.com
Website: Calvary Baptist Church