Event Registration


July 25 - 29, 2016
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Welcome to BASX - Not your typical Vacation Bible School. This year, children will learn fundamental truths about God from the life of Moses. Children will also choose two different track options that engages their interests. On the registration form, please select one track from each list:

Track Options

Baseball/Softball - Children will learn and/or continue to develop fundamental skill required in Baseball/Softball. (Max track size is 30)

Music/Drama - In this track, students will enjoy the art of music/drama and enhance their abilities.

KidsROCK - This unique option is for kids that want to Reach Our Community with Kindness. Children will learn simple ways to show kindness to their community.

Arts/Crafts - Children who enjoy this type of activity will have the opportunity to create unique pieces of art.

Just Games - Children will learn and/or continue to develop fundamental skill required in different sports and game activities. (Max track size is 30)

First Baptist Church of Raymore
116 S. Washington Street
Raymore, Missouri 64083
Phone: 816-331-3469
Email: giggles968@aol.com
Website: First Baptist Church of Raymore