Event Registration

VBS 2017

July 10 - 14, 2017
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Vacation Bible School at Nassau Bay Baptist Church is open to children who are four years old by September 1, 2016 thru those who have completed 5th Grade.

PARENTS ! You're invited to stay and attend an Adult VBS class led by Kitty Millard. You'll have Bible study, fellowship with other adults, crafts and snacks while your child enjoys time in their class. When you register on-line choose PARTICIPANT and we'll take care of the rest !

Don't miss the FREE KICK-OFF EVENT on Sunday, July 9th, 6-8 PM in the church parking lot that includes inflatable jump house and slides, popcorn, snow cones, games, live music and building tours. Multiple food trucks at small cost for items purchased.

Nassau Bay Baptist Church
18131 Nassau Bay Dr
Houston, Texas 77058
Phone: 281-333-3844
Email: pat@nassaubaybaptist.org
Website: Nassau Bay Baptist Church