Event Registration

VBS 2017

June 05 - 09, 2017
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This summer at VBS, prepare for an adventure like no other. We are going deep within the mysterious sea! We will submerge ourselves in God’s Word and discover that Jesus didn’t just see what is on the outside of people. He looked deep down on the inside. So ocean explorers, strap on your flippers and dive in to find the truth below the surface! This year’s VBS adventure is June 6 through June 10 for ages 4 year old - 6th grade.

**We are asking that each child bring a plain white t-shirt labeled with their name for a craft that they will be participating in**

Lascassas Baptist Church
4750 E. Jefferson Pike
Lascassas, Tennessee 37085
Phone: 615-890-1858
Email: allison@lbcfamily.net
Website: Lascassas Baptist Church