Event Registration

Basic Elements

July 17 - 20, 2017
Monday - Thursday - 6:30 PM - 8:45 PM

Come spend a week at Camp Compass!

Travel to camp to see how Jesus is our compass and guides our paths through the wilderness. Jesus used all kinds of people in the Bible to be leaders, and He can help you be a leader, too.
Travel through the forest, feed the bears at the general store, and then take a pit stop at the picnic area. Then head on over the raging river and pass through Foxes Den to hear campfire stories of the great leaders in the Bible.
You won’t want to miss Camp Compass!

The Church @ Clayton Crossings
11407 US 70 Bus Hwy West
Clayton, North Carolina 27520
Phone: 919-550-6877
Email: michael@claytoncrossings.com
Website: The Church @ Clayton Crossings