2018 VBS - Shipwrecked
June 11 - 15, 2018
Monday - Friday - 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Sign up HERE ONLINE from now until June 7, 2018 for our FUN & EXCITING VBS. Our VBS is for ages 4 by August 31, 2018 - 5th Grade. There is no cost for VBS.
After June 7, 2018 our online registration will end, but you can still register for our Shipwrecked VBS by coming to one of our two registration areas during the week of VBS (June 11 - 15).
Listed below is where your child will go during the week of VBS to register to join their Grade School or Preschool Color Crew:
• For Grade School Age (Completed 1st - 5th Grades): Go to the back entrance to our Gym on 4th Avenue. Our Grade School Registration Tables will be located in the Gym. You will be able to get your child's Grade School Color Crew at these tables during VBS.
• For Preschool Age (4 by August 31 - Completed Kindergarten): Go to the Preschool Registration Tables located under the cover-drive behind the Children's Building on 4th Avenue. You will be able to get your child's Preschool Color Crew at these tables during our VBS.
Finally, another NOTE FOR PARENTS: Childcare is available for those who volunteer to help in our VBS and have a child that is younger than the age requirement above. So if you are interested in helping, you can register to volunteer here on this website or let us know by contacting the Children's Ministry office at 693-3493.
First Baptist Church Hendersonville
312 Fifth Avenue West
Hendersonville, North Carolina 28739
Phone: 828-693-3493
Email: harrisl@fbchnc.org
Website: First Baptist Church Hendersonville