Event Registration

VBS 2018: GAME ON!

July 16 - 20, 2018
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Join us July 16th-20th for an exciting Spirit Week 2018, where it's "Game On!" Kids are under so much pressure--to perform well, to be the best, to balance schedules that are full to the brim, to excel in every arena. From that vantage point, life's big game can seem like no fun. But when we step back, we realize that the goal is not competing in our own strength. God has already given us everything that we need! He's given us His complete Word as the ultimate playbook. He's given us Himself, which gives us a reason to celebrate! He wants us to join His team, to train hard, to celebrate our salvation, to encourage one another, and spur each other on. So what are you waiting for? This is Spirit Week 2018. It's Game On!

Each day is filled with music, games, crafts, a fun snack and amazing stories. It's going to be a huge blast!! For kids age 4 - entering 6th Grade. Fee for the week is $40/child or $80 max/family. Invite your friends!! If needed, financial assistance available upon request.

Fully Alive Church
1336B Arroyo Ave
San Carlos, California 94070
Phone: 650-631-9505
Email: julieanzalone@gmail.com
Website: Fully Alive Church