Event Registration

VBS 2018 --- Session13_2018430

June 04 - 08, 2018
Monday - Friday - 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Kids are under so much pressure to perform well, to be the best, to balance schedules that are full and to excel in every area. Life's big game can seem no fun. When we step back we realize that the goal is not competing in our strength. God has already given us all we need! He wants us to join His team, to train hard and to celebrate our salvation.
So what are you waiting for?
This is Spirit Week 2018. It's GAME ON!

Gearing up for Life's Big Game

Come and join us for a fantastic week of VBS at Sutallee Baptist Church!
June 4 - 8 Monday thru Friday 6:30-9:00pm nightly

Kids VBS: Ages Preschool (must be potty trained) to 6th grade
Teen VBS: Going into 7th grade thru 18 years old

Sutallee Baptist Church
895 Knox Bridge Hwy
White, Georgia 30184
Phone: 770-479-0101
Email: sutalleebaptist1@comcast.net
Website: Sutallee Baptist Church