Event Registration

Vacation Bible School 2018

June 25 - 29, 2018
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Gear Up! Get Ready! It's almost time for "Game On!" - our 2018 Vacation Bible School week.

Please register your children using the form at left (use a separate form for each child). Then, from our website homepage, use the PAYMENT LINK to pay for all the children attending in your family in a single payment. IMPORTANT: If you already have a Realm User ID with Ashford, please logout before clicking the Payment button and then proceed with entering the name of the first child you are registering along with your email address.

You can also sign up to volunteer using the Volunteer Registration Form.

We look forward to seeing you on June 25!

Ashford UMC
2201 S Dairy Ashford Rd
Houston, Texas 77077
Phone: 281-216-4967
Email: communications@ashfordumc.org
Website: Ashford UMC