Event Registration

"In the Wild" VBS 2019 at ECC Springfield

June 24 - 28, 2019
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

ANNOUNCEMENT: Online registration for our VBS has ended. If you still wish to register your child, some spots are still open on a first-come, first-served basis. Please arrive around 8:30am on Monday, June 24, the first day of VBS.

Your child is invited to this year's VBS program at ECC Springfield! We will be going "in the wild" each day, having up close experiences with animals of different habitats and most importantly we will be focusing in on some of the real-life encounters of Jesus! We will have a blast experiencing the theme through skits, music, snacks, crafts, missions, and games. Registration is simple and can be done through this website or you can register at the welcome counter at ECC! We would love to have your child be a part of our program this year!

Evangelical Covenant Church
915 Plumtree Rd
Springfield, Massachusetts 01119
Phone: 4132371787
Email: jmontoya@eccspringfield.org