Event Registration

VBS - In the Wild - Amazing Encounters With Jesus

June 10 - 14, 2019
Monday - Friday - 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

VBS at Balfour Baptist Church will be June 10 thru June 14, 2019. This year's theme is "In the Wild." We will begin at 6:30 pm each evening. Preschoolers can be picked up at 8:00 pm and older children at 8:30 pm. Preschoolers who have older siblings will be supervised until 8:25. Please report to the front foyer of the church to leave and pick up all children.

Friday night will be family night with a short program presented by the children and a hot dog supper for everyone after the program.

VBS Kick-off will be Sunday evening June 9th @ 6:00pm. An unique way to hear the Gospel will be presented for the family. Keith Brown is an internationally known Christian magician. He combines his side-splitting comedy and mind-blowing magic to engage and entertain audiences while clearly presenting Gospel truth. Mark the date and plan now to attend.

Balfour Baptist Church
1642 North Fayetteville St
Asheboro, North Carolina 27203
Phone: 336-672-0074
Email: psunderwood6433@gmail.com
Website: Balfour Baptist Church