Event Registration

VBS 2019--"In the Wild!"

June 03 - 07, 2019
Monday - Friday - 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Vacation Bible School!
Children age 3-5th Grade are invited to join us as we "zoom in" and "focus on Jesus!"
Dinner provided Monday-Thursday:
Monday--Hotdogs, mac n cheese, animal mix up munch
Tuesday--Chicken nuggets, French fries, corn, & polar bear ice cream
Wednesday--Pizza, green beans, & Tree bark treats
Thursday--Tacos, applesauce, &moose crunch
(All volunteers must be active members of FrancisBC, have an approved background check on file, and agree to the Children's Ministry Handbook. No other youth or adults will be allowed to volunteer or to stay in the VBS area due to safety reasons. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.)

Francis Baptist Church
155 County Road 309C
Palatka, Florida 32177
Phone: 386-325-1717
Email: FrancisBC@francisbaptistchurch.org
Website: Francis Baptist Church