Event Registration

Vacation Bible School 2019

June 02 - 06, 2019
Sunday - Thursday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Are you ready to venture into the wild and have some amazing encounters with Jesus? If your child is between four years old through having just completed 5th Grade, we invite them be a part of this exciting journey at VBS!

Each night will feature an opening rally followed by rotations of crafts, recreation, music, Bible lessons, missions, and snacks. Stay tuned for an exciting upcoming announcement on Family Night!

It's going to be an awesome week as we zoom in and focus on Jesus so sign up now to be a part of the fun and be sure to invite your friends!

New Union Baptist Church
4060 Double S Road
Dayton, Tennessee 37321
Phone: 423-775-0515
Email: jilln@newunionbaptist.org
Website: New Union Baptist Church