Event Registration

Vacation Bible School 2019

June 24 - 28, 2019
Monday - Friday - 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Biblical truth and hands-on science exploration make for unforgettable faith lessons! Our science inspired, Christ focused VBS is for grades K-8 (grade just completed). Each day from 4:45-5:25 p.m. we will have a dinner that is free for all children and their families. At 5:30 p.m. is when our VBS program starts.

Note about photography: Throughout this event, various photographs and videos will be taken that may be used for promotional purposes, including on our website, brochures, and our video slideshow. By enrolling your child in our VBS program, you give permission for us to use images and/or audio of your child for promotional purposes.

South End Baptist Church
506 Carrollton Drive
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Phone: 301-662-4780
Email: admin@southendbaptist.org
Website: South End Baptist Church