Event Registration

The Incredible Race

July 08 - 11, 2019
Monday - Thursday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

The Incredible Race, we’re off on a race around the world as we discover that no matter where we live, what language we speak, or what we look like, we are all part of the same family! Children will have a time of worship, Bible Study, crafts, games, and missions! Oh and parents, we also have VBS for you too! While our students are participating in vbs, we have a class that is just as fun for our adults! Please plan now to join us for this amazing, fun opportunity for you and your entire family!

LifeHouse Fellowship Church
223 Gifford Place
Joelton, Tennessee 37080
Phone: 615-584-1693
Email: ccrimm9699@gmail.com
Website: LifeHouse Fellowship Church