July 18 - 22, 2022
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
WE HAVE JUST ONE SPOT REMAINING, for someone going into VPK! We are so excited to have just about reached capacity! To register at this point, you must text (preferred) or call the Children's Ministry Director, Brenda Wood at 561-779-7509, to register your child. This applies to registering as a volunteer, as well.
This year, we're prepping for our "Food Truck Party" where kids will be on a roll with God and learning all about how He gives us our daily bread. Plan to join us daily, July 18 to July 22 from 9 am to 11:30 am. Children from 3 years (as of July 1, 2022 and FULLY potty-trained) through exiting 5th graders are invited to participate in this year’s VBS which is a fun-filled way to introduce and/or enhance their relationship with Jesus. VBS will take place on Faith's campus.
REGISTRATION FEE: $35/child with a 10% sibling discount. Payments can be made online, or with cash or check (made payable to Faith UMC, with VBS in the memo line). Those payments can be delivered to Brenda Wood, or the church office. (Please do NOT drop payments off at the preschool front desk.) *Please note, any refunds will be issued via check and mailed to the address on file, minus a 10% processing fee.
If you would like to register to volunteer, please complete the Volunteer Registration. Our program depends on having volunteers, so your help IS NEEDED! We accept students in 8th grade as Junior Counselors, and we can provide Community Service Hours, upon request. It is the responsibility of the student to track their hours.
THERE IS ONE MANDATORY VOLUNTEER MEETING: On Thursday, July 7 at 6 pm to go over our policies and procedures.
If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Wood (Children’s Ministry Director) at, or 561-732-3435.