VBS 2022


July 11 - 14, 2022
Monday - Thursday - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Genoa VBS is for children ages four through 5th grade.

As of 7/8/2022, Preschool thru 1st Grade registration is closed. In-person Prek registration is also unavailable to accept any more participants for the week of VBS, July 11-14th. We will look forward to seeing you next year. 

ALL registrations have been closed so that we can prepare for VBS. If you missed online registration
, you are welcome to register your 2nd-5th grader only, in-person, at Genoa Church, on July 11th at 8:30am.  


Genoa Baptist
7562 Lewis Center Rd
Westerville, Ohio 43082
Phone: (740) 965-5548

Email: cgraham@genoachurch.org
Website: Genoa Baptist