Wednesday - 08/17/2022 - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Wednesday - 05/17/2023 - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM


Welcome to FBC Saks ARK Kids Midweek Program! FBC Saks ARK Kids will kick off our Midweek program, August 17, 6PM in the ARK for K4 thru 6 Grade with a Registration Party. Our first full night will begin on August 24. This year, we are offering Kids Praise at 5:15, a snack supper at 6 PM and AWANA at 6:15 PM and our program will conclude at 7:30 PM in the ARK. Drop-off and Pick-up will be in the ARK. 

By completing the online registration form, you are registering for our Midweek Kids Min Program.  Our Midweek program runs, Wednesdays, August 24 thru May17, 5:15-7:30 PM. We will be using the Gospel Project Midweek Curriculum for our Bible Study time. After registering, you will receive a packet in the mail with information about our program and a car hang tag to use for the dismissal process. 

Join us each Wednesday, 5:15-7:30 PM in the ARK. Our church offers a Nursery, Kids Program, Youth Program, and Adult Bible Study...a place for the whole family. Come join Us! 


First Baptist Church of Saks
4723 Saks Rd
Anniston, Alabama 36206
Phone: 256-237-6932

Website: First Baptist Church of Saks