July 10 - 14, 2023
Monday - Friday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM


VBS is a ministry designed to reach people of all ages, leading them to know and respond to Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit. VBS is a fun-filled, spiritual adventure that provides concentrated Bible study and encourages real-life application. The purpose of VBS is accomplished based on time-tested and church-proven principles.

Each day, our kids are bombarded with lies through school social media, TV programs, and movies about who they are, where they come from, who their creator is, and where their salvation is found.  They'll discover that we're in a battle between the truth of God's Word and the lies they hear from the world, but God has given his children armor to wear in this battle.

During VBS week, children will discover what this armor is and how to use it.  They'll be equipped to think biblically so they can see through the enemy's lies and hold fast to truth as they fight the good fight for Christ. 

Our church is eagerly waiting to welcome your children to this free event. Please feel free to contact us or visit our church website for more details.  VBS offers something for everyone, so ask about our studies for students and adults.

Classes are available for children 3 years old to 8th grade and adults.

Online registration closes on Sunday, July 9, 2023. 

In person registration will be available each day during VBS.

If your child attended VBS 2022, there is no need to re-register, unless you need to update any personal information.  Your child will be automatically re-enrolled and moved up one age/grade level.  


New Zion Baptist Church
17387 New Zion Church Road
Covington, Louisiana 70435
Phone: 9857788568

Website: New Zion Baptist Church