July 31 - August 04, 2023
Monday - Friday - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Jesus said, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" (John 8:12).  What does that mean to kids?  At STELLAR VBS, kids will learn that Jesus, our Creator, MADE the stars that give us physical light.  But they will also learn that Jesus' light dispels spiritual darkness:  when life feels dark, when people don't get along, when people are sad, or when people need help, kids can shine their Jesus light!   Through great Bible stories kids will learn that the King of Glory left heaven to be born a little baby that would change the world, and that He would grow up to love, accept, and care for everyone!


Riverside Church
2701 Zollinger Road
Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
Phone: 614-486-5201

Email: vrich916@gmail.com
Website: Riverside Church