June 24 - 28, 2024
Monday - Friday - 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM


Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock!

Tshirts need to be ordered by June 9th in order to get one if wanted.  Tshirts are 10.00 each this year.  Please call or text Misty at 9189082995. 

Vans will be available!  Give Misty a call! 

Oak Grove Baptist is excited to be hosted Breaker Rock Beach!  Get your kids signed up!  See you soon. 

Misty Chestnut 



Oak Grove Baptist Church
420 North Oak Grove Road
Cushing, Oklahoma 74030
Phone: 9183523174

Email: ogbc@sbcglobal.net
Website: Oak Grove Baptist Church