"Concrete & Cranes" VBS 2021

If you or your child would like to participate in this event as a Volunteer, please complete the following form.

(If you are under 18, please have your parent or guardian complete the form.)
Personal Information

All volunteers must be a member of Idlewild Baptist Church. A background check must be completed (www.idlewild.org/background)
*Member of IBC?:
(Member of IBC?)

*Have you served in IBC VBS before?:
(In which department do you prefer to serve?)

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Primary Phone:
*Alternate Phone:
Under 18:
(Under 18?)
*T-Shirt Size:
Are you registering kid(s) for VBS?:
List Registered Kids and their Grades:
How would you like to help with this event?