Breaker Rock Beach Kids Camp

If you or your child would like to participate in this event as a Participant, please complete the following form.

(If you are under 18, please have your parent or guardian complete the form.)
Personal Information

*Participant's First Name:
*Participant's Last Name:
*Grade Completed:
(LAST school year; 2023-2024)
(NEXT school year; 2024-2025)
*Allergies/Medical Info:
(i.e. Peanuts; Uses Inhaler etc.)
*Parent/Guardian Name:
*Cell Phone:
*Emergency Contact:
(Must be reachable at ALL TIMES)
*Emergency Contact CELL:
Alternate Pickup Person 1:
(OTHER THAN adults listed above)
Pickup 1 CELL:
Alternate Pickup Person 2:
(OTHER THAN adults listed above)
Pickup 2 CELL:
*Does your family have a church?:
*What church do you attend?: