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Volunteer Registration
Thank you so much for volunteering for VBS 2022 at Westgate!
*First Name:  __________________________________
*Last Name:  __________________________________
*Preferred Name for Name Tag:  __________________________________
*Address:  __________________________________
*City:  __________________________________
*State:  __________________________________
*Zip:  __________________________________
*Home Phone:  (______)______-________
*Alternate Phone:  (______)______-________
*Email:  __________________________________
Church Membership:
How would you like to help with this event?:
All volunteers 18 years of age and older are required to have background checks done every 2 years. If your background check is up for renewal or you have none on file, you will be notified for online consent.
Birthday:  __________________________________
At Westgate, child protection is a priority. When you register as a volunteer for VBS you will receive an email from a company called MinistrySafe that will include a link to a child sexual abuse awareness training that you are required to complete before you can volunteer with VBS. Anyone over the age of 18 will be required to complete this training.
*Digital Signature:
*Date:  __________________________________
* Required