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Participant Registration
*Participant's First Name:  __________________________________
*Participant's Last Name:  __________________________________
*Parent/Guardian Name:  __________________________________
*Address:  __________________________________
*City:  __________________________________
*State:  __________________________________
*Zip:  __________________________________
Home Phone:  (______)______-________
Cell Phone:  (______)______-________
*Birthday:  __________________________________
By the end of May of this year...
*Last Grade Completed:  __________________________________
Allergies, Medical, & Special Needs:
*Emergency Contact Name (1):  __________________________________
*Emergency Contact Phone (1):  (______)______-________
Emergency Contact Name (2):  __________________________________
Emergency Contact Phone (2):  (______)______-________
*Will your child be riding the bus?:
*I.D. Required:    I understand and agree.
   I do not agree.  (circle one)
*Authorized Pickup #1:  __________________________________
Authorized Pickup #2:  __________________________________
Authorized Pickup #3:  __________________________________
Do you attend Church?:    Yes   No  (circle one)
If so, where?:  __________________________________
Have your child choose 4 of the following tracks, with the first one being their most favorite. Two of your child's favorites will be his/her tracks for the week.
*Track choice #1:  __________________________________
*Track choice #2:  __________________________________
*Track choice #3:  __________________________________
*Track choice #4:  __________________________________
* Required