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Participant Registration
*Participant's Last Name:  __________________________________
*Participant's First Name:  __________________________________
*Preferred Name for Name Tag:  __________________________________
*Parent/Guardian Name:  __________________________________
*Current Grade:  __________________________________
*Birthday:  __________________________________
*Gender:  Male  Female  (circle one)
*Address:  __________________________________
*City:  __________________________________
*State:  __________________________________
*Zip:  __________________________________
*Cell Phone:  (______)______-________
*Email:  __________________________________
Are you a member of this church?:    Yes   No  (circle one)
Do you attend Church?:    Yes   No  (circle one)
If so, where?:  __________________________________
*Allergies, Medical, & Special Needs:
*Emergency Contact Name (1):  __________________________________
*Emergency Contact Phone (1):  (______)______-________
*T-Shirt Size:  __________________________________
Permission, Medical Release & Release of Liability:    I give permission for him/her to attend D-Now with First Baptist Church Paducah. I also agree that FBCP and its staff and volunteers shall not be held liable in the event of an accident or injury. In addition I give permission for those individuals to render first aid as needed and to seek medical attention on my behalf. I assume all financial responsibility in such event and give permission to any medical facility to treat my child as needed. I also understand that group photos and pictures of the event may be posted on the church’s social media. I give permission for my child to be included in such posts.  (circle one)
Crossings Release Form:  (circle one)
* Required