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Participant Registration
Thanks for your interest in our 2020 VBS @ Home! We are excited for you to connect with your neighbors and friends. You'll enjoy our daily welcome, opening rally hosted by some of our own, live lessons we'll pre-record for preschool and elementary levels, fun VBS songs, games/crafts/snack ideas, videos from five of our missionaries... So much fun in store for each of you!
*Participant's First Name:  __________________________________
*Participant's Last Name:  __________________________________
*Parent/Guardian Name:  __________________________________
*Address:  __________________________________
*City:  __________________________________
*State:  __________________________________
*Zip:  __________________________________
*Primary Phone:  (______)______-________
*Cell Phone:  (______)______-________
*Email:  __________________________________
*Birthday:  __________________________________
*Grade in the Fall 2020:  __________________________________
*Gender:  Male  Female  (circle one)
*Do you regularly attend church?:    Y   N  (circle one)
*Do you regularly attend Village Bible Church?:    Y   N  (circle one)
Which VBC Campus do you attend?:  __________________________________
If not this church, what is your home church?:  __________________________________
*Supply pick-up on 7/5/20 or 7/7/20 location?:  __________________________________
* Required