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Volunteer Registration
Thank you for volunteering at Canton First Baptist VBS Backyard Bible Club 2021 - "CONCRETE AND CRANES!" We are excited that you will be joining us June 14th-16th. You will receive an email from your construction site foreman within a week. Pastor Keith
*First Name:  __________________________________
*Last Name:  __________________________________
*Address:  __________________________________
*City:  __________________________________
*Subdivision you live in::
*State:  __________________________________
*Zip:  __________________________________
*Cell Phone #:  (______)______-________
Home Phone:  (______)______-________
*Email:  __________________________________
Birthday:  __________________________________
I would like to volunteer for this time.:    Morning - 9 am to 11 am
   Evening - 6 pm to 8 pm
   Either time  (circle one)
*Backyard VBS location:  __________________________________
*Volunteer Opportunities:  __________________________________
T-Shirt Size:  __________________________________
* Required