VBS 2025 - Magnified


June 23 - 27, 2025
Monday - Friday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM


God’s creation is big; but God is so much bigger! And when we take time to stop and notice; we see that even the smallest things He created, MAGNIFY His greatness! Zoom in and discover this bigness of God in the smallest of things! With this year’s VBS, kids will learn to discover the bigness of God in the smallest of things and come to realize that they too are a part of His amazing and intricate design. God cares about the big things, the small things, and YOU! Proclaim the Lord’s greatness and MAGNIFY Him. Don’t miss VBS 2025, MAGNIFIED, at St Charles First Baptist Church on June 23th through 27st at 6 pm nightly!

Also, join us as well on Saturday, June 21st from 5 to 8 pm for the VBS Kickoff with lots of games, food, and fun! Kickoff will be at 292 Highwater Drive, Pennington Gap, VA 24277.


St Charles First Baptist Church
188 Big Branch Road
Saint Charles, Virginia 24282
Phone: 276-546-4722

Email: scfbc@outlook.com
Website: St Charles First Baptist Church